This has been a revolution turned revelation and ended with a recipe revision. Whip less, cream more, kicking cheesecake back to classic old school. And it’s all thanks to Shunpike Dairy’s Tuition Cheese. Shunpike Dairy in Millbrook NY is a Baldwin family owned and operated farm since the 1930’s. Currently, Liz Baldwin and her clan are the gatekeepers to the most delicious raw milk in the world. Their blend comes from Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Ayshire, Linebacker, Jersey and even a few of the original family of Holstein cows. Happy cows. No antibiotics or hormones are ever given to the cows. I have been feeding my kids “Liz Milk” as they call it, since they were very, very small. And, they are not small anymore. They are big and healthy happy children. It must be the milk?