**OBCC NEWS: CLARIFICATION!! (a.k.a. the good news and the bad news!)**
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Hi again everyone,
In my enthusiasm over our building being cleared by the inspectors and reopened today, I am afraid I may not have been adequately clear about the current status of the Ossining Boat and Canoe Club. I hope this email helps clarify where we are, and what still lies ahead.
There have been two ongoing issues that are intertwined, but as of today, one of them is resolved.
Issue #1: Since October 31st, 2013, the Ossining Boat and Canoe Club has been padlocked by building inspectors at the direction of the Town of Ossining. At that time, OBCC was presented with an OTR (order to remedy) matters within the building which inspectors felt were not in current compliance with building codes.
Since that day to this, our team of licensed and Town-approved members have been working around the clock, throughout the winter, and until recently with no heat, to comply with all of the requests made on the OTR. These people have worked on their own time, as volunteers, at no cost to the Town or to Ossining taxpayers. All materials expenses for the work over the past four months have also been absorbed by OBCC at no cost to the Town or to taxpayers.
Today, the final inspection took place, and OBCC was fully cleared of the OTR. The building has been totally updated to current code compliance, the locks were removed, and OBCC access has been fully restored. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all Town and Village officials involved in this matter for their time and effort, as well EVERYBODY who has offered their support.
In addition, we are extremely grateful to everyone at the Croton Yacht Club, Ossining Hose Company #1 – Engine 96, and Ossining Fire Police and Emergency Squad – Rescue 14 for sharing their facilities with OBCC for board meetings, membership meetings, Toys for Tots, and other important events during the time that our space was unavailable to us.
Unfortunately, during the course of updating the building, needed amenities were lost. At the present time, there are no cooking appliances in the building. OBCC looks forward to continuing to work collaboratively with the Town to provide full services to the building in this respect at the earliest possible opportunity. The OBCC board and membership are fully committed to honoring their traditional annual calendar for the community, including the upcoming Commissioning Day and Veteran’s ceremonies, and the “Hot Pie” scholarship breakfast regardless of any obstacles that may or may not exist at that time.
To have lost the cooking facilities, as well as the impact of modifications to the licensing agreement which the Town insisted upon last year (which included the loss of OBCC’s ability to store boats on land in the winter) is a tough blow to the club. However, our spirits are high, and our committment to this historic building, as we approach our 100th anniversary, is even higher. We welcome and appreciate your support and involvment!
Issue #2: As you are aware, the Town of Ossining has been pursuing a study into tearing down the Ossining Boat and Canoe Club building in favor of new construction which would also house a restaurant. Unfortunately, our opening today reflects only the satisfaction of the OTR from October. To the best of our knowledge, the Town’s plans to tear down Ossining’s historic waterfront club building are still in place. We sincerely hope that this will change.
In the meantime, the fight for the preservation of OBCC continues, and your support is needed now more than ever. I wish I could express to you how much it is appreciated, and how much it has meant.
Please join us as we continue our campaign to save Ossining’s waterfront history and the Ossining Boat and Canoe Club from being lost in the name of development and revenue. Once these magic places are gone, they are lost forever. Lost to those who came before us, lost to us, and lost to future generations. We do not want to see that happen.
So there you have it. I will probably be sending out more frequent updates and information over the next couple of days. It’s an exciting time, and to be open today, after 125 long winter days, is cause for celebration. So many people have been working so hard to get to this day, and while there is still much work in the fight for preservation ahead, today I really just want everyone, including all of you, to bask in this happy day, being back in our home.
A million thanks,
Meaddows Ryan, OBCC Tru