Some Tips For Insuring A Safe Start To Your Season
What a winter for the Hudson Valley and surrounding areas! We seemed to be OK through February, which was unusually warm, and then March came. The old saying “in like a lion and out like a lamb”, made me hopeful for a nice ending, but the bad weather prevailed, pretty much the whole month. We had many claims in the office for losses that included homes damaged by falling trees, loss of power by downed power lines to businesses causing equipment failure and car accidents.
Cathy J. Karas, President, Certified Insurance Counselor, KARAS INSURANCE AGENCIES INC, 321 SO. RIVERSIDE AVE, CROTON-ON-HUDSON, NY 10520.
You can contact me for quotes or questions at 914-271-5188 or email: We are a 3rd generation family owned agency, with only licensed brokers to help you.